interesting thing is, the original 'Mad desire' was sang by Silver Pozzoli
and the version you hear on Den Harrow albums was sang by Tom Hooker (the
voice behind most of Den Harrow songs except for 'To meet me' and 'A taste
of love').
Dette er fra en Italiensk s?lger af Italo og Eurodance (som er s? pokkers dyr med italienske presninger, at det ikke bliver aktuelt formig at k?be fra ham).
Ja - nu ved jeg ikke, hvor dyb interessen for italo-disco g?r - om det udelukkende g?lder engelsk-sproget firser-musik eller hur.
Men jeg ved fra italiensk radio/tv, at der findes rigtigt mange gode italiensk-sprogede sange. Italienerne har et vist talent for at lave rappe, i?refaldende sange. Der findes en ?rlig San Remo-festival med popslagere - og jeg ville egentlig gerne k?be opsamlings-CD'er med ?rets sange - men de findes vist ikke. Man skal h?re morderligt godt efter for at fange navn p? optr?dende og sangtitel. I disse internet-tider kan man jo let k?be tingene - men det er lidt sv?rt at finde d?t, man lige kan li'. De par gange jeg har fors?gt mig med italienske CD'er, har jeg ikke ramt specielt godt.
Musique skrev:Ja - nu ved jeg ikke, hvor dyb interessen for italo-disco g?r - om det udelukkende g?lder engelsk-sproget firser-musik eller hur.
Men jeg ved fra italiensk radio/tv, at der findes rigtigt mange gode italiensk-sprogede sange. Italienerne har et vist talent for at lave rappe, i?refaldende sange.
Cara Mia, dette v?re sandt.
Men presninger lavet i Italien er ikke for gode. Men dem som samler de italienske f?r sikkert ogs? det brede udbud. Blot til hamper priser.
P. Lion, Den Harrow, Silver Pozzoli, Fun Fun et cetera er ret gode og ligger alle i den genre.
Tom Hooker skrev:
Tom, I have one information, which came from one famous Italian female singer. I don?t know is it true or just a rumor but I heard that Den Harrow actually doesn?t exist as singer. Den Harrow is you! Please can you tell me what is the truth?
Saying that Den Harrow doesn't exist as a singer is incorrect. He was very popular amongst the very young girls. From 12 to 15. Den Harrow became a brand name like Coca Cola. This is was the music business. There was a small problem. He couldn't sing. So the solution was to never let him sing, or to put his voice so low in the mix that it was non existant. He started as an image. He would work on his costumes and clothes and someone else would sing on the records. The truth is, vision is a more developed sense in humans than hearing. People tend to buy and listen what they like to see. I have never officially told this to anyone but this is the exact truth in chronological order:
To Meet Me and a Taste Of Love was Chuck Rolando's voice. He had a contract with Durium and had to stop. Then came Silvio Pozzuoli from Dream. He sang Mad Desire the single's version. Although a very talented singer, his English wasn't very good. I remember in Mad Desire. He sang "Ear I Ham" instead of "Here I am". Freddy bought my contract from Merak at the time and bought the whole Den Harrow project with his money, and I sang Future Brain. I don't think Den (his real name is Stefano Zandri) ever came to the studio. Future Brain was a huge hit in 1985. We had to do the album. I re-sang Mad Desire for the album. It wasn't any better than Silvio's but we wanted some continuity. It couldn't go from fluent English to an Italian accent. Too many people in Germany and Scandinavia can speak English. Then came Bad Boy and all the rest of the hits.
After two Albums of good hits, and making money, I wanted Don't Break My Heart to be a Tom Hooker song because I felt close to it. I also felt, Freddy was not pushing me because of the money machine of Den Harrow in Germany and France. We got another singer from England who had a much higher voice than mine. I can't remember his name. I still co-wrote the songs. The Album was Lies. I think, this was the end of Den Harrow's run. It was not at all what it used to be. Maybe it was the songs, maybe it was the different voice. Who really knows...
After Den Harrow left Baby Records, the records sales were small numbers. I think he sang on Ocean. He continues to make records that don't really sell to do his live shows because it's easy money. Basically, he still has a name. It's human, he wants a nice car and all that stuff. It's a shame he can't really sing, because he makes a good star. Everybody wants to make money. When I had the success of Looking For Love, my old record company called Full Time, released an unauthorised album with demos and tried to pass it as the new Tom Hooker album. This album was called Only One. This really ruined my career at that time. The distributors who bought it after the success of Looking For Love were taken aback with this crappy album that came out way before Bad Reputation. It sold crap but was easy money and ruined it for the real one, of course. But hey, you see it as music Zeljko. As a professional, I saw it as a business.